Timeless Venture Capital Fund is registered in the Cayman Islands. Assets are managed by a HongKong team with 20 years of investment experience. The team understands that every investor has their own financial needs and with the advantages that Cayman Islands brings, the fund will launch two plans, suitable for investors of different ages and backgrounds.
Important Risk Notice
Investors should not make any investment decision based solely on the content of this website. Before making an investment decision, investors should refer to the sales documents of the fund and read the fund characteristics and relevant risk factors listed in the information sheet of the fund issued by the fund company in detail.
Funds are investment products and some involve financial derivatives. The investment decision is yours, but you should not invest in the fund unless the intermediary who sells the product has explained to you that the product is suitable for you after considering your financial situation, investment experience and goals.
Fund products are not equivalent to fixed deposits.
Investment involves risks. Past performance does not represent future performance. The value of the investment and the income / dividend of the fund may go up or down, and there is no guarantee of profit.
In the worst case, the value of the fund may be significantly less than your investment amount (in extreme cases, the return on your investment may become worthless).
Fund investments may involve a wide range of markets, currencies, volatility, liquidity, regulatory and political risks.
If the fund involves investing in emerging markets, single markets or limited regional markets or industries or small businesses, the fund may involve higher risks and is usually more sensitive to price changes.
If the fund invests in financial derivatives, it may involve additional risks and may experience higher volatility
Timeless Venture Capital Fund
is registered in the Cayman Islands.

Cayman Islands is at the global leading edge of the investment funds formation because of its multiple advantages.
- Political and economic stability
- No exchange controls restrictions
- Expertise in the investment fund space
- Investment fund fee structure is globally competitive
- Cayman is on the OECD “Grey List” and has signed tax information exchange agreements (TIEA) with 19 countries
- Tax neutrality
Assets are managed by a Hong Kong team with relevant financial licenses and 20 years of investment experience. The team understands that every investor has their own financial needs and with the advantages that Cayman Islands brings, the fund will launch two plans, suitable for investors of different ages and backgrounds.

Elite Privilege
Inherited Plan

Signature Pro Wealth
Management Plan